The "Hello World!" post

The "Hello World!" post

It's been an interesting ride so far, as an independent author with a background in marketing. While I've done marketing in the past, it's somewhat strange to finally be working on something that is very personal to myself and my childhood in many ways. It's still a bit of a challenge if I'm being honest, as marketing a children's book is something far different than marketing video games (which I did previously). But it's still a fun challenge! Now, if only I could get Google ads to stop disabling my account for whatever reason they feel like at this moment, that would be great!

When you're trying something that you've never done before, there can be a lot of doubt as to whether or not you'll see it through to the end or not - at least there was for me. So to finally finish something that I can print in physical form and put in the hands of other people is kind of surreal! All I could really do at the time was take it day by day, and page by page as I was not only writing the book but also doing all of the illustration. It was fun however realizing the pages that I still needed to illustrate to hit all my main story beats, and being able to quickly storyboard out everything and see exactly where it was that I wanted the first book to go - even if it was in rather crude sketches for a while. 

The real feeling of accomplishment during the writing and illustration process was seeing each of those quickly sketched pages turn into fully realized illustrated pages and seeing them side by side with the others. 

I will do what I can to update the blog as things happen, but also only when I think I have something to say. I don't want to clutter up this blog with my own personal thoughts and ramblings (as most of this already is). But I will try and update this regularly!

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